Back to School: The Benefits of RESPs

Second Quarter Earnings Season

Looking good…


Volatility from Jobs?

Slowing, slowing, slowing…

Conviction Fund Semi-Annual Report

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report 2Q24

Industry Research: Semiconductors

The Investor Performance Gap

Predicting rain doesn’t count

Japan… finally


Global Manufacturing Improvement

First Quarter Earnings Season

Inflation, the Consumer and Asia manufacturing…

Comments from around the world…

Company Comments so far…

A Risk of Stagflation?

Inflation mixed with AI

Investor Concerns are Back

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report 1Q24

Understanding the Psychology of Money

Our Nearshore Strategy…

Our Technology Growth Curve…


Year End Earnings Season

A Brief Macro Update

Welcome to Volume 14

Tailoring Your Pathfinder Portfolio

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report 4Q23

2023 Large Cap Annual Review and Outlook

2023 Portfolio Management Overview

Fall Earnings Season and sign off for 2023

The Magnificent 7

Adding CPI and Retail Sales Data

Adding Employment Data

PMIs and Consumers are Soft

Higher Interest Rates and Lower Asset Prices

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report 3Q23

The FOMC Adjusts

Managers Feeling Upbeat, Employment Strong

Evolution of Market Expectations

How the FOMC Impacted the Market this Week

What is the FHSA and how can it be utilized?

Back to School: The Benefits of RESPs

First Half Earnings

Thoughts before the end of earnings season

The Management View continued…

The Management View

Alberta Real Estate Insights

Doré, Drills, & Discoveries – Summer Solstice Tour

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report 2Q23

Asian Markets… US Data

Economic Strength… High Rates?

Supply Chain & Rates

Our Bank Positioning

June Jobs Report Sparks Market Reaction

A Brand New Year of Earnings

Thoughts on Central Banks

Thoughts on Inflation

Thoughts on the Job Market

Thoughts on the Economy

Wealth Accumulation & Preservation

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report 1Q23

March 2023 Federal Budget

Calming Down

A Run on The Bank

Good News from Temp Jobs?

Earnings Season

Management Views

Welcome to Volume 13

Tailoring Your Pathfinder Portfolio

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report

Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

2022 Core Portfolio Annual Review and Outlook

2022 Portfolio Management Overview

Fall Earnings Season and sign off for 2022

Mexico Trip

Recent Inflation Data and a Global Perspective

The Used Car Phenomenon

Walking Through Earnings Season

Political Risk

Starting To See Opportunities

2022 Q3 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Weathering the Storm

Behavioural Finance: Investor Biases

A week(s) of volatility continued…

A week(s) of volatility

Global Market Cap, our final thoughts

Q2 Earnings Season Complete – some quotes

Earnings Complete

The Great Global Balancing Effect

Fresh data telling a story

The Great Balancing Effect

Bonds really matter

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report June 2022

2022 Q2 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

The Psychology of Money

Purchasing Managers Indices and Recession

Rate Increases and Market Expectations

CPI and a Bear Market

Employment and Turkey

2022 Q1 Earnings Season Complete

A choppy trading week

Pan Global Resources: An Island In A Sea of Deposits

Earnings: We are two-thirds of the way through

Global Markets Update

2022 Q1 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Commodities: Portfolio Allocation

Agriculture: Fertilizers and Crops

The Short Squeeze and Uranium Tailwinds

Portfolio Diversification and Commodities

Portfolio Diversification and Commodities

Earnings Season Complete

Geopolitics and The Market

Uptick in Rates… but the Economy chugs along

Uptick in Rates

Welcome to Volume 12

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report Dec 2021

2021 Q4 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

2021 Core Portfolio and Annual Outlook

2021 Portfolio Management Overview

Fall Earnings Season and sign off for 2021


Decomposing Inflation

Prices and Jobs

Strong Company Results

Happy Halloween!

2021 Q3 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Common Prosperity

United States Debt Ceiling

We need some more supplies

Taper Truce?

FX Redux

Employment Improves

Estate Planning

We are Half-Way Through

The Delta Variant

WPT Industrial REIT

Foreign Exchange

China Contagion?

Having a Plan

Inflation Revisited

Manager Expectations & Economic Recovery

Diverging Inflation Expectations

US Employment Mystery

Jobs Data Review

End of Earnings Season

Market Volatility Part 2

Market Volatility

Earnings Power

Inflation Asset Strategy: Areas to avoid

Inflation Asset Strategy: Areas to Focus on

Inflation Asset Strategy

Inflation Strategy Continued

2020 Personal Income Tax Filing Deadline: April 30, 2021

North American Rail: CP & KCS merger

Inflation Strategy

Q4 2020 earning season

Putting it All Together

Is Inflation Real?

Reasons Why Inflation Readings May Increase

Inflation taking headlines

Welcome to Volume 11

Large Cap Annual Review

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report

Q4 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Annual Review Summary

Earnings Season comes to a close

Underwater Internet

Commodities for Tomorrow

The US Election, Government Fiscal Response & Earnings

Copper Deposits and Characteristics

Gold Deposits and Characteristics

Central Banks Now Need Government Cooperation

Q3 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Origins of Metals & How Ore Deposits are Formed

Commodity Price Drivers

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble

Commodity Cycles: Boom, Bust, & Transition Part 1

We are only part way back (continued….)

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 8

We are only part way back

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 7

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 6

Companies in the same industry are not the same!

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 5

Q2 2020 Earnings Season Finished

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 4

Proper Diversification

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 3

Deferred Sales Charges and the Mutual Fund Industry

High Frequency Data

Bill’s Bubble – Life in the NHL Bubble – Week 2

Q2 2020 Earnings Season

Bill’s Bubble-Life in the NHL Bubble

Q2 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Real Fund Semi-Annual June 30, 2020

Pathfinder North American Equity: Stella Jones Inc.

Pathfinder Partners’ Fund: Microbix Biosystems Inc.

Pathfinder Resource Fund – Gold Equities

Pathfinder Real Fund – Kinaxis Inc.

Pathfinder International Fund – ASML Holding NV

Employment Surprise

End of an Historic Earnings Season

Update of Previous data

US & Canadian Unemployment

Earnings Season

Developed Market GDP

COVID-19 Primer

Q1 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

China as a Touchstone

A view of what’s to come for North American industry

Stock Price Volatility Continues

The End of a Bull Market

Fear Driving Markets

Geopolitical Events & Fear: Continued…. Pandemics

Geopolitical Events & Fear: Continued… War & Terrorism

Geopolitical Events & Fear

Real Fund Semi-Annual Report

Q4 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Core Portfolios Annual Review

2019 Portfolio Management Overview

Recap & Outlook: Earnings Season Still Strong

Recap & Outlook: 40 Meetings – 3 Days

Recap & Outlook: Small Cap Team Award

2019 Q3 Pathfinder Small Cap Quarterly Report

Recap & Outlook: China Trip – Part I

Recap & Outlook: Macro Machinations

Recap & Outlook: Vancouver Housing – Part IV

Recap & Outlook: Ecuador Site Visit – Adventus Mining

Recap & Outlook: US Consumer Still King & Queen

Recap & Outlook: Fixed Income Portfolio adjustment

Recap & Outlook: The Inverted Yield Curve

Recap & Outlook: Our trip to Kamloops, BC

Recap & Outlook: Foreign Exchange and Interest Rates

Recap & Outlook: US Household Debt

Recap & Outlook: Global Economy

Pathfinder Small Cap. Quarterly Report

Recap & Outlook: Global Economy

Recap & Outlook: European issues remain, inversion

Recap & Outlook: China Slowing

Recap & Outlook: Jobs and Central Banks

Recap & Outlook: It was all a dream?

Pathfinder Small Cap. Quarterly Report

Real Fund Semi-Annual December 31, 2018


Recap & Outlook: End of Earnings… End of year

Recap & Outlook: Confidence in the US

Recap & Outlook: Vancouver Housing – Part III

Recap & Outlook: Vancouver Housing – Part III

Recap & Outlook: Vancouver Housing – Part III

Recap & Outlook: Vancouver Housing – Part III

Recap & Outlook: Emerging Markets… Why do we care?

Recap & Macro Outlook: Earnings Season & Insurance Companies

Recap & Macro Outlook: Equity Returns and Recessions

Partners’ Fund Quarterly Report

Real Return Plus Fund Semi-Annual Report

Recap & Macro Outlook: US Participation Reconsidered

Recap & Macro Outlook: Multiple Trade Wars?

Recap & Macro Outlook: Global Participation Rates

Recap & Macro Outlook: 1 for 1!!

Recap & Macro Outlook: The North American Economy Continues to Expand

Recap & Macro Outlook: Follow-up: New Canadian Mortgage Regulations

Recap & Macro Outlook: Building a Client Portfolio

Recap & Macro Outlook: Building Mandate Portfolios

Recap & Macro Outlook: Finding Our Investments

Recap & Macro Outlook: Valuation

Recap & Macro Outlook: Company Management

Recap & Macro Outlook: Fear and Greed Take 2

Recap & Macro Outlook: Fear and Greed

Real Return Plus Fund Semi-Annual Report

Parterns’ Fund Quarterly Report



Recap & Macro Outlook: Sales have been strong

Recap & Macro Outlook: Canadian GDP

Recap & Macro Outlook: Employment